Friday, August 14, 2009

Vacation Bible School
August 2009

Our VBS program for 2009 started on Monday evening, Aug. 10, and ran through till Friday evening, Aug. 14. Because of the on-going basement renovation, VBS was held in the evening from 6-7:30 in the sanctuary and the fellowship hall.

Fliers were distributed to the homes in the surrounding neighborhoods on Thurs., Aug. 6th, and Sun., Aug. 9th. All children in grades kindergarten through 6th grade were welcome, free of charge.

The program consisted of Bible lessons, memory work, activity time, crafts, snacks and singing. The closing program, held on Friday, was preceeded with a pizza dinner for all the children and their families.

Pastor Gregson presented a devotional, which was followed by the introduction of the VBS program, including a puppet skit, the children reciting memory verses, and songs by the children with program inserts so the parents could follow along. Carol Jordan, the VBS director then presented all the children with certificates of completion.

Pastor Gregson closed with prayer.

It is our hope here at Covenant that these children and their families will continue to attend services and will become a part of the Covenant OPC family as they learn more about our Lord and Savior and His saving Grace.